lördag 9 maj 2015

Drömtydning: Eld


More than anything else fire represents the process of life. Just as with all living things, fire needs to be fed to remain alive. So a fire burning low could show your life process at a low ebb. Fire can also can depict your burning love, fiery passion, emotional fever, pain or purification. Fire is a tremendous energy that we learn to use even when quite young. So it can refer to how you use powerful emotional energies that can support or destroy. Fire can show an emergency, or a sudden and difficult change. Like energy in general, fire can warm, produce power, purify, bring about chemical change; or it can consume, destroy, injure, run amuck. It is therefore often used as a symbol for your relationship with your own powerful energies - sex, anger, ambition, fear. Also fire can stand for suffering of a mental or even physical nature. Or it can depict the destruction some of your feelings, passions or anger can do.Standing in, or being in flames, can therefore suggest either purification, the burning out of old attitudes or experiences, or deep personal suffering. To use fire for selfish ends, in mythology, has often produced terrible guilt or reactions. Probably because it shows a selfish expression of the life-giving energy. Sometimes fire can also be warning of illness.

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